The pain of Zope

Never mind how, I find myself implementing some code in a Zope External Method. This is a form submission, so I'm trying to get the original HTTP request data. To its credit, I am able to get a request object without too much pain:

def repost(self):
request = self.REQUEST
Fine, but what sort of object is "request"? A little reflection reveals it's an HTTPRequest object. OK, searching yields... nothing. Googling reveals... nothing. Finally I grep the entire Plone source tree (including Zope) (thank you cygwin!) and I find it's in the... ZPublisher module? Great, I've found it, but I'm reduced using grep and less to find documentation?

Just to put it to the test, and now that I know more specifically what I'm looking for, I search to see if there's any documentation for this module. Searching for "HTTPRequest" yields 121 hits, the first being:
Description: Modified to handle SOAP requests
2004-10-18 13:56:53
Cripes, I can't get a better hit than a patch from 2004? Scanning the rest of the first page yields more garbage. Perhaps Google can help me.

First Google try: ZPublisher.HTTPRequest

Totally overwhelmed with mailing list entries about useless code in ZPublisher; no documentation on first, second, third pages.

Second Goog: ZPublisher.HTTPRequest

Overwhelmed with commits to

Third Goog: ZPublisher.HTTPRequest

Overwhelmed with commits to

Fourth Goog: ZPublisher.HTTPRequest

Looks like I'm getting past the chatter so some of the meat; still my first hit is: - Logger hack for FunctionalTests

lib\python\ZPublisher\ copy .\ZServer\ .\ZServer\ copy .\ZServer\medusa\ . ... - 18k -
Cached - Similar pages - Note this

Yikes, logger hack? I don't think so.
I do think I've dicked around with this long enough, so I go back to reading the source. If I ever get a line on a good Zope documentation URL, I'll delicious it for y'all.


Unknown said…
Oh, the memories this evokes. Reminds me of when I tried to build a RESTful web service in Plone. Want docs on the Zope HTTP classes? "Use the source, Luke!"